The worldwide network of independent law firms
With a worldwide network of 15,000 attorneys in more than 155 top independent law firms in 100 countries and 44 states, TerraLex lawyers guide clients through the challenges of global business. GLIMSTEDT has been a member of this network since 2006.

Global network of Information Technology Law specialists
ITechLaw is a not-for-profit organisation set up to inform and educate lawyers about the unique legal issues arising from the evolution, production, marketing, acquisition and use of information and communications technology. It has been serving the law community since 1971 and is now one of the most widely established and largest associations of its kind. GLIMSTEDT has been a member of this network since 2010.

Estonian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EstVCA)
The central ambition of Estonian Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (EstVCA) is to develop the Estonian private equity and venture capital industry and to enhance the culture of ambitious and entrepreneurial thinking in Estonia.

Estonian Renewable Energy Association
Estonian Renewable Energy Association (EREA) was established on May 13, 2011. EREA is founded by the main renewable energy producers in Estonia and associations from different renewable energy sectors such as biogas, biomass, hydro and wind. EREA covers all renewable energy sectors in Estonia, including electricity, heating and cooling. The EREA’s main goal is to contribute to the wider deployment of renewable energy in Estonia and set a long-term goal of full transition to renewable sources of energy in Estonia.

Estonian Taxpayers Association
Estonian Taxpayers Association (ETA) protects interests of all taxpayers and provides advise and education for them. We look after that the tax laws were fair and understandable, that the tax burden was optimal, that the actions of a tax administrator were just and professional, that the taxpayers’ money was used in accordance to its aim.
Estonian Taxpayers Association unites more than 2400 members.

IFA (International Fiscal Association)
The International Fiscal Association (IFA) is a leading non-governmental, international organization dealing with tax matters. Headquartered in Rotterdam, IFA is comprised of company tax personnel, tax advisers, university professors, and government officials. IFA provides a unique forum for discussing international tax questions.

Estonian Defence and Aerospace Industry Association
The mission of the Estonian Defence and Aerospace Industry Association is to create better opportunities for its member companies on the markets of goods and services for defence & security purposes and to contribute thereby to increase the defence & security capability and economic development of Estonia.

Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI)
The Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI) is the oldest and largest Estonian representative organization of entrepreneurs and was founded to represent and protect common interests of Estonian merchants, manufacturers, bankers, and ship-owners in the year 1925. The mission of the ECCI is to develop entrepreneurship in Estonia through business services and playing an active role in designing economic policy.

Estonian Association for Environmental Management
The Estonian Association for Environmental Management was founded in April 21, 2003. It is a non-profit organisation, which brings together enterprises, organisations and individuals, who are intersted in improving environmental performance related to corporate management. Estonian Association for Environmental Management is a full member of International Network for Environmental Management (INEM).
The main objective of the Association is to bring together enterprises, organisations and individuuals, who need help, support and information related to corporate environmental management for solving environmental problems, reducing impact to the environment and ensuring sustainable development of the society. The Association would like to act as moderator between enterprises and state institutions and the whole society while representing and protecting its members interests in environmental issues.

Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (officially abbreviated as ITL) is a voluntary organisation, whose primary objective is to unite the Estonian information technology and telecommunications companies, to promote their co-operation in Estonia’s development towards information society, to represent and protect the interests of its member companies and to express their common positions.

CCI France Estonie
The main objective of the CCI France Estonie Chamber is to create, strengthen and develop business relations between Estonia and the French-speaking regions. Glimstedt Estonia is a silver partner of the Chamber.