tallinn@glimstedt.ee +372 622 6006
Public procurement panel at Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day

Public procurement panel at Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day

The 19th Tallinn Entrepreneurship Day will include the panel “The possibility of every company to participate in public procurement” organised by Glimstedt and moderated by Maria Veermäe, our head of procurement.

The panel will take place on 27th of September in the Bolero 2 hall of the Viru Conference Center at 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Register here (in Estonian): Paneel: Advokaadibüroo GLIMSTEDT: Iga ettevõtte riigihankel osalemise võimalikkus

According to Maria Veermäe, moderator of the panel and Glimstedt’s head of procurement, the panel does not focus on technical issues, but on improving cooperation between the procurer and the provider: “We see how the purpose and result of the procurement is often correct, but not the best. The reason, for example, is a lack of communication of expectations and ignorance of what is available on the market, which results in conventional and well-known solutions that exclude innovations available on the market.”

Panel participants come from different backgrounds with the possibility to talk about public procurement from a different perspective than usual and thus encourage future participation in procurements. We welcome entrepreneurs who wish to participate in public procurements or who have already tried to participate.

The panel discussion will discuss the following topics:

  • The possibility of fulfilling the qualification conditions stipulated by the procurer by submitting a joint offer vs. by relying on another company
  • Bidder’s awareness of “hidden” requirements in procurement documentation
  • Submission of additional conditions by the offeror – either a prohibited conditional offer or a contradiction that can be eliminated with explanations
  • Cross-subsidisation in bid pricing – is manipulation allowed?

Participants in the panel:

  • Birgit Vilippus, Enterprise Estonia, field manager of the procurement unit as the procurer
  • Neeme Kass, Conmeo OÜ, former defense procurement manager, today’s prestigious provider;
  • Estella Põllu, Ministry of Finance, Department of Public Procurement and State Aid as a legislative representative;
  • Ringo Heidmets, lawyer at the Glimstedt law firm and procurement expert, advisor to both bidders and procurers
  • Maria Veermäe, lawyer at Glimstedt law firm and head of procurement, moderator of the panel

Maria Veermäe, whose thesis topic at the University of Technology was “Implementation of the public procurement law in establishing institutional public-private partnership”, and Ringo Heidmets are the core of Glimstedt’s procurement department.

Contacts: Ringo Heidmets, Maria Veermäe